
feliz cumpleaños mamamama‏

heeeeeeeeeey mis queridos seres. 

first of all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW TO THE BEAUTIFUL WOMAN WHO GAVE BIRTH TO ME. and has put up with me for 20 years... ahhh who are we kidding.. we all know i'm the prize child ;) but really. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! you're the mama i could ever ask for. sometimes i wanna send people here to live with you because their parents are awful and i know mine will take good care of them :) love you!

really not kidding. there is this girl here named Dania, who I LOVE. serious. like my best friend. she has been a member three years and is amazing. and her brother just got baptized about a month ago, and her other brother we just baptized on Thursday. :) but, their parents... are horrible. they give them nothing, they have never told them they love them, they're always drunk, sometimes let their kids just sleep in the streets... it makes me SO grateful for my life and my family :) mom can i send them to live with you? haha.

soooooooo. i've decided that Central American missionaries are dream interpreters. everyone here legit thinks that EVERY dream has a meaning. and they think we have some special God-given gift to interpret them all....... so yeah. maybe i do. i can usually make up a pretty good meaning that has something to do with the gospel, or how they need to go to church... am i allowed to do that? 

uhhm...... SHOUT OUT to Danielle Moore for being engaged. WHAT. life. ugh.

we were just chillin', struttin' down the street like we do the other day... and some guy starts singing to us in his Nica accent... ''pretty woman... walking down the street.. pretty woman... kind i'd like to meet...'' hahahahahahahah i broke down in tears laughing. there's a first.. and last.. time for everything i guess.

there is a Nabisco factory in my area... and when you walk by you want to cry because it smells SO DANG GOOD. like brownies. and chocolate chip cookies. and happiness. and childhood. and HEAVEN. i wish i could just teach all my lessons outside of it...

we were standing on the side of the road the other night, talking to the elders that share a ward with us... and we were pretty close to the street. next thing we know some guy drives buy on the back of a motorcycle and smacks Elder Campos in the side of the head with his Croc shoe. hahahahahhahahahahaha SO FUNNY. sad... but funny. oops.

let's just say patience... is STILL not my virtue. that's a mission goal for sure. just throwing that out there.

welllllllllllll guys. we might be having a beautiful wedding and baptism this weekend :) but we gotta ward off Satan. he is working so hard on Diana and Norlan. but prayer is amazing, and i know that with faith, they will get baptized:) i have seen so many miracles here and i know i will see so many more. the mission is amazing! :)

the church is sooo true and the book is like, navy blue. 


hermana wheat

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